A classic riddle with the answer of 9 is: "I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?" The answer is 9, as when you take away the letter "n" from "nine," you are left with "i," which is the Roman numeral for 1, an odd number.
No. 9/9 = 1, a whole number.
9 is not a prime number.
The cardinal number is 9
Actually, 9 is NOT a prime number.
time 3
A riddle involving numbers.
The phone number of the Riddle Branch Library is: 541-874-2070.
Ashley Riddle is 5' 9 1/2".
You will want to go to a riddle website. sorry
The answer is saycheese.
it is "MATC"
The answer is the number 50.
* Group the numbers into two and then subtract nine. Then, determine what letter of the alphabet that number is. The riddle is: What color is it up here? Not white. I am unsure of what the answer to the riddle is, maybe blue? But that is the riddle decoded. I thought to subtract 9 because I had a previous riddle that i was told was a clue to this one. * The previous riddle was: I is an important letter, it comes before everything. C is not as important, nor is R. But X always marks the treasure of a treasuremap. The answer is nine (IX in roman numerals).
It's a simple algebraic equation ... a mathematical "riddle".The answer to the riddle is: what the number must be.Here's how to find it:We don't know what the number is yet, but we have to give it some name.I have decided to call it ' Q ' for now.The riddle says that " Q/36 = 1/3 "Mutiply each side of the riddle by 36:Q = 108