If you need to tape 100 boxes you will need a lot of tape. Of course the amount of tape you need will depend on the size of the boxes and how much tape you place on each package. I recommend 40 rolls of tape.
Ticker tape was used for telegraphs. The ticker tape would record the information which would then be transmitted through telegraph to the requested parties.
average price to tape and mud is anywhere from .50 to1.00
In most cases the tape will last a long time. You will be able to write to it several times before it will not work anymore as long as you have cared for it properly.
The Certance CD 72 Internal tape drive is a very reliable model
It depends on the model, see the manual for more details.
you need sand paper glue real sand tape and water
You can use tape for a temporary fixing or glue for a more permanent fix.
Your materials are:straws,hay(if you have any),tape and mud or modeling clay. First,get the straws and bend them into a pointy at top and round at the bottom shape. Then,put tape so the model stays together. Next,put the modeling clay or mud over the model and wait 24 hours.In the morning,your model will be ready to go!
No it will not. You have another problem. Need to know what your working on. YEAR,TAPE,MODEL
if its a UK model it will located in the passenger side wing mirror, on the underside
The IBM System Storage TS2340 has many options and features and is well worth the price if it meets all your needs.
We can't see the picture.
It depends which model you're talking about. The older ones used a coloured plastic 'tape' - the letters were pressed through the tape from the back - making the letters show up white.
Yes you can, I have tried it. As stated above, you can paint over scotch tape, however, the edges of the tape will be visible and over time will begin to lift. Eventually what ever the tape was over will be exposed.
no it is not they are totally different kinds of tape. duck tape tape is much stronger that electric tape.