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A tape model is a model that you make out of tape!

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Q: What is a tape model?
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Related questions

What is a reliable brand of tape drive?

The Certance CD 72 Internal tape drive is a very reliable model

If you play a VHS tape on an Upscaling DVD/VCR combo will it attempt to improve the resolution of the VHS tape?

It depends on the model, see the manual for more details.

Model of the Sahara desert?

you need sand paper glue real sand tape and water

How do you fix a model horses tail?

You can use tape for a temporary fixing or glue for a more permanent fix.

How do make a replica of a caddo house?

Your materials are:straws,hay(if you have any),tape and mud or modeling clay. First,get the straws and bend them into a pointy at top and round at the bottom shape. Then,put tape so the model stays together. Next,put the modeling clay or mud over the model and wait 24 hours.In the morning,your model will be ready to go!

Can the o2 sensor cause the vehicle not to start?

No it will not. You have another problem. Need to know what your working on. YEAR,TAPE,MODEL

How do you remove the tape player on a 2000 seat ibiza?

if its a UK model it will located in the passenger side wing mirror, on the underside

Is the IBM System Storage TS2340 Tape Drive Model S4X Tape drive worth the price?

The IBM System Storage TS2340 has many options and features and is well worth the price if it meets all your needs.

Shamika is making a model She drew the net below If she cut it out and tape it together which solid would she make?

We can't see the picture.

Why don't Dymo label makers required ink or toner?

It depends which model you're talking about. The older ones used a coloured plastic 'tape' - the letters were pressed through the tape from the back - making the letters show up white.

Can you paint over sellotape?

Yes you can, I have tried it. As stated above, you can paint over scotch tape, however, the edges of the tape will be visible and over time will begin to lift. Eventually what ever the tape was over will be exposed.

Is electric tape same as duck tape?

no it is not they are totally different kinds of tape. duck tape tape is much stronger that electric tape.