A fraction written with an integer numerator placed over a (nonzero) integer denominator is called a vulgar fraction. Vulgar fractions are also known as common fractions or simple fractions. Examples are 2/5 and 7/3. In those examples, the numerators are 2 and 7, the denominators are 5 and 3, all of which are integers.
Simple/common/vulgar fractions are distinguished from compound fractions, from complex fractions, from mixed numerals, from decimal fractions, and from irrational fractions.
Examples of fractions that are not common fractions are:
* 0.75 -- decimal fraction
* (3/4) / 2 -- complex fraction
* (3/4) / (2/3) -- complex fraction
* (1 1/2) / 2 -- complex fraction with mixed numeral in numerator
* 3/4 of 5/7 -- compound fraction
* 75% --- which equals 75/100, but written as a percent, it has neither a numerator nor a denominator
* pi/4 -- irrational fraction.
The distinction between common fractions and fractions that are not common is NOT the same as the distinction between proper fractions and improper fractions (which is explained below, but which is not needed to understand what a common fraction is). Common fractions can be either proper or improper.
If the absolute value of the numerator (the number on top) is less than the absolute value of the denominator (the number on the bottom) the fraction is called a PROPER fraction.. Examples are 2/3 and and -2/5.
If the absolute value of the numerator is greater than the absolute value of the denominator (the number on the bottom) the fraction is called IMPROPER. Examples are 3/2 and and -5/2. Improper fractions can be converted to a mixed numeral, that is, an integer plus a fraction. For example 7/3 is equal to 2 1/3.
A vulgar fraction is one in which the absolute value of the numerator is greater than the absolute value of the denominator.
41 p as a vulgar fraction of 1.00 implies that the 1.00 is in pence and so the answer is 41/1.
It is 41/1.
Since 100 m is less than 1 km, the relevant fraction has an absolute value less than 1 and so there is no equivalent vulgar fraction.
im not sure about decimal fraction but say you have 120% as a vulgar fraction it is 120/100 or 6/5 yes, yes indeen i think i am right. Thank you very much for reading. x;) x
A vulgar fraction is one in which the absolute value of the numerator is greater than the absolute value of the denominator.
A vulgar fraction.
73 is a whole number, not a fraction.
Since 41 is fewer than 100, there can be no vulgar fraction.
41 p as a vulgar fraction of 1.00 implies that the 1.00 is in pence and so the answer is 41/1.
A mixed fraction consists of a whole number and a proper fraction combined, such as 1 1/2. A vulgar fraction, on the other hand, is a fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator, like 1/2. In essence, a mixed fraction represents a whole number and a fraction together, while a vulgar fraction is just a fraction without a whole number component.
The fraction is £41/100. Since 41 is smaller than 100, there is no vulgar fraction possible.
Six tenths as a vulgar fraction is 6/10. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2. This simplifies the fraction to 3/5.
It is a vulgar or 'top heavy' fraction
A penny (not pence, which is plural!) has an absolute value that is smaller than a pound. It is, therefore, impossible to express it as a vulgar fraction.
To convert a percentage to a vulgar fraction, put it over 100 and simplify: 72 % = 72/100 = 18/25