Oh, dude, a whole number is just a regular old number without any fractions or decimals hanging around. So, like, 54 is totally a whole number because it's not like 54.5 or 53.9999 or anything fancy like that. It's just a plain old 54, keeping it simple, you know?
Whole numbers are unique, so the only whole number that is 54 is 54 itself.
It is: 54
53.508 rounded to the nearest whole number is 54
0.035 is less than one and cannot be expressed as a whole number.
54 is, itself, a whole number!
No. 7 is a whole number and 54 is a whole number but 7 is not "a whole number for" any number.
Whole numbers are unique, so the only whole number that is 54 is 54 itself.
Rounded to the nearest whole number, 54.45 is approximately equal to 54.
It is: 54
It is: 54
53.508 rounded to the nearest whole number is 54
54.4 rounded to the nearest whole number = 54
53.635 rounded to the nearest whole number is 54
27 = the cube of 3 = 54/2