A product
Factors are divisors. A factor times a factor will equal a product.
The GCF can be equal to the smaller number if the smaller number is a factor of the larger one. The GCF can be equal to both numbers if they are the same number. The GCF of 10 and 10 is 10.
64 is not a factor of 8.Factor of a number x is always less than or equal to x.
63 has a square factor, but no equal ones.
A product
a multiple
Factors are divisors. A factor times a factor will equal a product.
Displacement factor is equal to the power factor for linear loads with sinusoidal voltages and currents.pf = cos (angle1 - angle2)
The GCF is 23.
Kwh will equal to Kvah.
A conversion factor is a fraction that is always equal to 1. This allows you to convert between different units by multiplying the quantity you have by the conversion factor.
A square root.
Load factor and current are not directly related