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It varies, between species, from 1.4 to 2.9

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Q: What is dielectric constant of dry wood?
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Dielectric constant of metal is?

The dielectric constant varies, depending on the material.

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'Dielectric constant' is an archaic term for relative permittivity. They are one and the same.

Why does dielectric constant decrease with an increase in temperature?

If the temperature increases, the conductivity will increase too which means the dielectric constant is reduced

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No, these are two unrelated properties of a material.

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E = Eo/k k is dielectric constant

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What is dielectric constant of a metal?

It can be taken as infinity

Can the dielectric constant of carbon in water be measured?

dielectric constant is a property of a material, this question is asking the property of a two mixed together, in an undeclared ratio. But yes dielectric constants can be measured. The problem you will have is keeping a uniform mix.

How capacitor is used to check freshness of fish?

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