83.3% = 833⁄1000
Expressed as a vulgar fraction, 33.3 recurring percent (that is, 33.3333... continuing as far as you wish), is equal to 1/3, or one third.33.3 percent (that is, 33.3, with no recurring) is equal to 333/1000 (that is, 333 thousandths).
One third is bigger. 1/3 = .333333 30% = .30
It is: 66 and 2/3% = 2/3 as a fraction and 0.67 as a decimal rounded to two decimal places
83.3% = 833⁄1000
one third.
one third
83.3% = 833⁄1000
33.3% = 333⁄1000
33.3% = 333⁄1000
33 and one third percent= two sixth.
1/3 = 33.33... recurring %