3 percent of 545 dollars is 16.35 dollars.
545 tiles, as one tile is 1 sq. ft. Divide total square footage by 1.
545 to the nearest tenths is 545.0
50.63 square meters.
545 kilometers = ~338.65 miles.
Yes, 545 K = 272 ºC
545 km is approximately equal to 338 miles.
There are 0.3048 metres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 545 metres is equal to 545/0.3048 = 1788.06 feet.
There are 1609.344 metres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to three decimal places, 545 metres is equal to 545/1609.344 = 0.339 miles.
The answer is 271.85 C (approx.). The Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero and is used in scientific laboratories. Celsius is for general use and set 0 and 100 as melting and boiling point of water respectively. To convert from K to C, subtract 273.15 from K.
60% of 545= 60% * 545= 0.6 * 545= 327
545-30 = 515
The factors of 545 are: 1, 5, 109, 545
545 5 x 109 545 = 5 x 109
545/6 = 90.83%