(83)base10 to octal
Yes the three decimals given are all equivalent
On a 24 hour clock, 7 am is 07:00 and is from midnight to noon. 7 pm is 19:00 and is from noon to midnight.
The decimal 17.05 is equal to the decimal 17.050.
7/50 = 0.14
(83)base10 to octal
0.1 and 0.8 added together.
This is a decimal figure and it means 7 one hundredths of an hour. Maybe you are thinking of 0700 which is 7am using the military time format
7 a.m.
No, because if you reduce 12/36 then you get 3 and if you reduce 5/7 you get a decimal, not 3.
To be equal too
There is no equivalent.
To be equal too
7 a.m.