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Ex post facto is a Latin term meaning "after the fact" or "in the light of subsequent events" and refers to things with retroactive effect or force.

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Q: What is expost factor?
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What is expost facto research?

Ex post facto is Latin for "after the fact". In terms of research it is a design in which research is done after the thing which is to be researched has occurred without any influence by the researcher.

What is expost facto research design and the different conditions in using it?

It involves assignment of subjects to experimental group and control group. it also involves subjecting the experimental group to experimental treatment. it can be defined as an "After the fact design". it is a form of design in which a particular characteristics of a given group is investigated so as to identify it anticidents.

A proper factor is a factor?

a proper factor is a factor.

What are the 13 clotting factors?

factor I (fibrinogen), factor II (prothrombin), factor III (tissue thromboplastin), factor IV (calcium), factor V (proaccelerin), factor VI (no longer considered active in hemostasis), factor VII (factor-vii), factor VIII (antihemophilicfactor), factor IX (plasma thromboplastincomponent; Christmas factor), factor X (stuart-factor-stuart-prower-factor), factor XI (plasma thromboplastinantecedent), factor XII (factor-xii), factor XIII (fibrin stabilizing factor).

What are the factor pairs of 1512?

factor pair = 1512,1 factor pair = 756,2 factor pair = 504,3 factor pair = 378,4 factor pair = 252,6 factor pair = 216,7 factor pair = 189,8 factor pair = 168,9 factor pair = 126,12 factor pair = 108,14 factor pair = 84,18 factor pair = 72,21 factor pair = 63,24 factor pair = 56,27 factor pair = 54,28 factor pair = 42,36

What are the 12 factors of blood clot? Factor I = Fibrinogen Factor II = Prothrombin Factor III = Tissue factor Factor IV = Calcium Factor V = Labile factor Factor VI - Does not exist as it was named initially but later on discovered not to play a part in blood coagulation. Factor VII = Stable factor Factor VIII = Antihemophilic factor A Factor IX = Antihemophilic factor B or Christmas factor (named after the first patient in whom the factor deficiency was documented) Factor X = Stuart Prower factor Factor XI = Antihemophilic factor C Factor XII = Hageman factor Factor XIII = Fibrin stabilising factor