Forty-two thousandths as decimal is 0.042.
To write 745.912 in decimal word form, start by reading the whole number part, which is 745. This is read as "seven hundred forty-five." Then, read the decimal part as a whole number, which is 912. This is read as "nine hundred twelve thousandths." So, 745.912 in decimal word form is "seven hundred forty-five and nine hundred twelve thousandths."
To write 2.349 in word form, you would say "two and three hundred forty-nine thousandths." In this representation, the decimal point separates the whole number part (2) from the decimal part (0.349). The decimal part is read as a fraction out of 1, with the last digit indicating the place value (thousandths in this case).
what is two hundred nine thousandths in decimal form
It is: forty-nine and five hundred sixty-four thousandths.
0.049Don't forget ur decimal places :) hope this helped
To write forty-nine and ninety-nine thousandths, you would write it as 49.099. The number 49 represents the whole number part, the zero after the decimal point represents tenths, the nine represents hundredths, and the second nine represents thousandths. So, combining these parts gives you forty-nine and ninety-nine thousandths as 49.099.
Nine hundred forty three ten thousandths.
five hundred forty-nine thousandths.