To find equivalent fractions, you need to multiply both numerator and denominator of the fraction by the same amount. In this case, 25 and 15 both clearly have a common factor in 5. Thus we can divide top and bottom by 5 and that gives us 5/3
This will be the fraction in its simplest form (although it is vulgar). The next step is to multiply top and bottom of this simplest fraction by any integer (for instance 2, 3, 4...) and that gives us other equivalent fractions: 10/6, 15/9, 20/12...
It is: 15/25 = 3/5
3 over 5
15 over 25 is 15/25. Equivalent fractions are 3/5, 30/50, 45/75, 60/100, etc.
5/1 is an equivalent fraction for 25/5
3/25 would be the answer for 15/50. :D Loved to help, Super Answer Girl
It is 9/25.
6/10, 9/15, 12/20, 15/25, 18/30
2/25 is an equivalent fraction for 8/100.
One possible equivalent fraction is 15125/1.