

Best Answer

1 cent = 1/100 = 0.01

half a ce

nt = 0.05

% rate = 0.05/100 * 100% = 0.05%

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Q: What is half a cent in percentage?
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What is the value of a half cent?

A half cent is one half of one cent or 200 half cents = $1.00. If your asking about the value of a specific coin, a date is needed.

What is less than a cent?

i quarter of a cent

What is half of 35 in cent?

The answer is 17.5 cent

How do you write half of 1 cent?

To write half of 1 cent, you would express it as 0.005 cents. This is because half of 1 cent is equivalent to 0.5 cents, which can be further simplified to 0.005 cents to represent half of a cent.

How do you write one half cent with decimals?

To write one half cent with decimals, you would express it as $0.005. This is because one cent is equal to $0.01, and half of a cent would be half of that amount, which is $0.005. In decimal form, this would be written as $0.005.

Which denominations of US non-gold coins are no longer in circulation?

Twenty-cent piece, Half-Dime, Three-cent piece, two-cent piece & the Half-cent.

How many dimes in a half dollar?

5. a dime is 10 cent. and a dollar is 100 cent soo half of a dollar is 50 cent and 10 time 5=50 cent. :)

What is half as an percentage?

half as a percentage is 50%

Coins as percentage of 1 homek 4th grade?

1 cent =1% Nickel=5% dime=10% quarter=25% Half dollar=50%

What denominations were coins made in prior to 1933?

Gold Coins: $20-$10-$5-$3-$2.50-$1.00 Silver coins: Dollar-Half Dollar-Quarter- 20 cent piece-Dime-Half Dime-3 cent silver. Copper Coins: 5 cent- 3 cent (nickel)- 2 cent- 1 cent- Half cent

What percentage is 5 cent in a dollar?


What is the percentage of 0.55?

Expressed as a percentage, 0.55 is equal to 55 per cent.