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The Ratio of the total flux ( flux in iron path) to the useful flux (flux in air gap)

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Q: What is leakage factor?
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What is the spelling of leakage?

You have it spelled correctly. It's leakage.

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what is economic leakage

Stoma since colorectal cancer - and leakage - can is be anastomotic leakage?

yes anastomotic leakage

What can cause oil leakage?

oil leakage

How do say 'leakage' in Arabic?

Leakage : tassarrob written as : تسرب

When was Strictly Leakage created?

Strictly Leakage was created in 2007.

What are the factors affecting the stability of a Q-point?

(1) current amplification factor due to change in temperature. (2) collector current because of variation in leakage current.

What are the factors affecting stability of q point?

(1) current amplification factor due to change in temperature. (2) collector current because of variation in leakage current.

What is seat leakage test in safety valves?

Seat leakage is defined as leakage that is internal to a valve-between the inlet and outlet sides of the valve-when the valve is in its closed position. It is not limited to leakage across the valve seat, but also encompasses all leakage across the valve trim when the valve is in the closed position. Leakage across internal trim seals, such as piston rings, and across trim-to-body seals, such as gaskets, can be counted as seat leakage. It is important to note that, while leakage through valve stem packing is of growing concern in the industry, governing industry standards address this type of leakage separately and do not consider it to be a form of seat leakage.

When was the Union Carbide gas leakage?

The union gas leakage held in 1984

When configured properly what can avoid data leakage?

A firewall can avoid data leakage.