

What is negative elevation?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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A negative elevation usually refers to the distance below sea level of a point on dry land. For example the lowest dry land on earth is the shore of the Dead Sea in Israel at -418m; that is it has a negative elevation of 418m.

Guns and canons also use elevation. Obviously if you are firing from above on a target below you will use negative elevation.

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It is because you are going "below" sea level. It is like saying going below zero, since sea level is at zero elevation. If you were to go "below" zero, you would get a negative number, the same with going below sea level. Since you are going below 0 [elevation], you write your elevation below sea level in a negative value.

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The gradient of a quantity is the greatest rate at which it changes as you move in different directions from where you are now. If the quantity has a negative gradient, that means that the quantity decreases in that direction. A great example of a negative gradient is the elevation of the land at a point on a road that has a hill on one side and a cliff on the other side. The greatest rate at which the elevation changes is in the direction off the edge of the cliff, and it's negative in that direction.

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well elevation is the distance in a particular location between the surface and where the surface of the sea would be at a 90 degree angle measurement (if up to sea level then it's a negative elevation, down to sea level it's a positive elevation). So the elevation of a city would either be the lowest or highest natural (not manmade like a building) point in the city or the average elevation of the city(i'm pretty sure it's this) or the average of the lowest and highest point in the city.

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Station Pressure / e* where *=negative elevation/temperature in kelvin x 29.263

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Elevation means the temperature.when it is hot the elevation is high and when it is cold the elevation is low.they call it elevation because is like an elevator.

What is the lowest elevation for a mountain in meters?

There is no correct answer for this question, as some mountains have negative elevations ie. underwater. The smallest mountain is slightly taller than a mole hill!

What is the elevation of snowbird UT?

Base Elevation: 7,760' Top Elevation: 11,000'

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What real life situations in which negative integers are used?

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What are some examples of negative numbers in real life?

Great question. Some of the examples we came up with our El Ed math class were football, temperature, elevation, and money.

What is the elevation of Mount Ranier?

Mount Rainier's elevation is 4,393 meters.