42 over 5 as a mixed number = 82/5
By dividing the 5 by the 6. What is 5 over 6 as a decimal? 5/6 = 0.833... ≈ 0.833
4/5 as a decimal is 0.8
1/5:= 1 ÷ 5= 0.2 in decimal
1/5 is a fraction and in decimal form it is 0.2
It is -16.4 and the word is negative, not negetive.
sqrt(82) = 9.05539 (to 5 dp)
decimal for 1 over 5 = 0.21/5:= 1 ÷ 5= 0.2 in decimal
decimal equivalent of 7 over 5 = 1.47/5:= 7 ÷ 5= 1.4 in decimal
decimal equivalent for 5 over 12 = 0.41675/12:= 5 ÷ 12= 0.4167 in decimal
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! 82 tens is the same as 820. You see, when you have a number like 82 and you multiply it by 10, you simply add a zero to the end of the number, creating 820. Just imagine all the beautiful possibilities that number holds!
5 over 4 turned into a decimal = 1.25
9 and 3 over 5 as a decimal is 9.6
5 over 6 changed to a decimal is 0.8333 . . .
5 over 48 becomes 0.10416666 repeating as a decimal.
31 over 5 writen as a decimal is 6.2.