It is 0.86 when rounded to 2 decimal places
Not necessarily: for example, consider 0.5 * 4 = 2
The number of decimal places for the product will be the summation of the amount of decimal places of the 2 factors. For example, if your products have 2 decimals each to the right of zero then the product will have an answer with 4 decimals to the right of zero.
It is already rounded to 2 decimal places since there are no decimals in this number.
It means to round a decimal number to its nearest hundredth place as for example 2.125 rounded to 2 decimal places is 2.13
You can only round a number to 2 decimal places if it currently has more than 2 decimal places.
It is 0.86 when rounded to 2 decimal places
Not necessarily: for example, consider 0.5 * 4 = 2
This is not necessarily true. 2 x 0.55 = 1.1
The number of decimal places for the product will be the summation of the amount of decimal places of the 2 factors. For example, if your products have 2 decimals each to the right of zero then the product will have an answer with 4 decimals to the right of zero.
If the number is truly 1, and you are wanting it with 2 decimal places, then your answer is: 1.00
False. 2 x 0.55 = 1.1
Setting the number of decimal places, in the number format, to 2.
It is already rounded to 2 decimal places since there are no decimals in this number.
You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.You would format it as Number with 2 decimal places.