Well, darling, one and one fifth minus one quarter is one and one fifteenth. Just remember to keep your fractions straight and you'll be golden. Math may not be everyone's cup of tea, but hey, it's not rocket science...unless you're doing rocket science.
one fifth of one half of one quarter of one tenth of 400 = 11/5 * 1/2 * 1//4 * 1/10 * 400 = 400/400 = 1
1/5 + 1/4 = 4/20 + 5/20 = 9/20 or 0.45
'1/4' NB 1/2 = one half 1/3 = one third 1/5 = one fifth et seq.,
one twentieth 1 / 5 x 1 / 4 = (1 x 1) / (5 x 4) = 1 /20
one fifteenth
One fifth of forty is eight. One quarter of eight is two.
6 and four fifth subtract by 3 and one fourth = 3
0.05, or 5%. A quarter is 0.25, one fifth of that is 0.05.
One quarter is two eighths, so five eighths subtract two eighths is three eighths.
quarter x half x fifth = fortieth so the answer is 5
One fifth of fifteen is 3.
seven fifteenths
11 /12
20 halves
The duration of The Fifth Quarter is 3000.0 seconds.
One-fifth is one simple fraction that is less than one quarter.