To figure it out, you divide 1 by 14 on a calculator, which gives you (according to my TI-30XIIS) 0.071428571.
1/14 as a percentage devide 1 by 14 = .07142857142 multiply by 100 = 7.142857142 Round to one decimal 7.1 %
The decimal 13.5 is already rounded to one decimal place.
one tenth as a decimal = 0.1
one thousandths = 0.001 in decimal
one one thousandth (1/1000) in decimal = 0.001
It is 0.0714285... with the underlined string repeating.
1/14 as a percentage devide 1 by 14 = .07142857142 multiply by 100 = 7.142857142 Round to one decimal 7.1 %
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 1/14 / 4 = 1/56 or one fifty-sixth. Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 0.017857142 recurring (that is, 0.017857142857142...)
one fourteenth
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 3/7 - 1/2 = -1/14 or negative one fourteenth. Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to -0.0714285 recurring (that is, 0.0714285714285...)
1:59. This is because the date and time will be 3.14 1:59 which is Pi to 5 digits after the decimal
one fourteenth
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, one fourteenth of a mile is equal to 1/14 x 5280 = 377.142857 recurring (that is, 377.142857142857...) feet.
One Seventieth
Fourteenth = 14th
"14" is spelled "fourteen" (adjective "fourteenth").fourteen
Shakespeare was not a fourteenth century author. He was born in the late sixteenth century and became one of the most famous playwrights in history.