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budgeting that's rational

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Q: What is rational budgeting?
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Identifying the key advantages and disadvantages of a performance budgeting system a program budgeting system and a line-item budgeting system.?

system features focus on advantages disadvantages (LIBS) -centered on objectives/nature of expenditure or purchased item/service (1920~30s) -control financial affairs -responsibility for accounting -clear responsibility on accounting -easier control on financing -rigidity -unclear performance/objective of expenditure performance budgeting system (PBS) -classifying business based on functions of business activities -detail business budget=item price*work hour -Truman(1950) -business centered -management centered -clear business goal -flexibility -unclear responsibility on accounting plan programming budgeting system(PPBS) -planning+budgeting -rational allocation of resources -Johnson(1965) planning centered "planningprogrammingbudgeting" -planning+budget -rational allocation of resources -remove barriers between organizations centralization of budget composition -difficulties on conversion work -top-down budget composition

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Traditional budgeting is less precise because money that is left over is not accounted for. Zero based budgeting accounts for every single dollar, hence it is more accurate.