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It is not possible, on to give a schematic diagram. However, the following should provide the necessary information.

Real Numbers (R): can be divided into Rational numbers and Irrational Numbers. Rational numbers are those that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, the second of which is not zero. An irrational number is a real number that cannot be so expressed.

Irrational Numbers: Some irrational numbers are transcendental numbers. These are numbers that are not algebraic. That is, they are not roots of any polynomial equation with rational coefficients. Most notable transcendental numbers are pi and e, but so are the values of the trigonometric ratios for most angles. A list of numbers proven to be transcendental and suspected of being so is given in a link. The rest are "ordinary" or algebraic irrational numbers.

Rational Numbers (Q): Rational numbers can be divided into integers and other rationals. The "other" are rational numbers whose fractional part is non-zero.

Integers (Z): The main subsets of integers are the counting numbers and the rest. Mathematicians are not agreed on te definition of these two subsets: specifically, there is a question about the status of 0. Some consider 0 to be a counting number, others don't. Symbolically, it is probably best to use Z+ for the set of positive integers excluding 0, and Z0 for positive integers including 0 (or the set of non-negative integers). There are also the complimentary sets - of negative integers including 0, and not including 0.

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What is the schematic diagram of the real number?

It is not possible to produce a schematic diagram on this rubbish browser. But, the main hierarchy is as follows: Real numbers consist of irrational and rational numbers.Irrational numbers consist of algebraic numbers and transcendental numbers. Rational numbers consist of Integers and non-integers. Integers consist of natural (or counting) numbers and negative numbers.

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No because natural numbers are a subset of real numbers

How do you contruct a schematic diagram of the real numbers?

A schematic diagram would be an infinitely long straight line. Unfortunately, you cannot draw an infinitely long line - the universe is just not big enough!

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