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Q: What is t he final stage of refinement of 99.95 percent copper called?
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What type of percent that compares the final and original amounts?

The type of percent that compares the final and original amounts is called the percentage increase or decrease. It is calculated by dividing the difference between the final amount and the original amount by the original amount, and then multiplying by 100.

What equipment is used to refine copper?

Copper is refined in a smelter. Then once raw copper is obtained the final purification is via electroplating.

What is the final price of sixty with a twenty-five percent discount and five percent tax?

The final price is 47.25

What are the three stages in which copper is extracted from copper sulphate?

The first step is extracting copper from its ore, including the sulphate, to remove waste constituents like limestone and silica so that the copper and other minerals of value are concentrated into a product containing between 20 and 30 percent copper. The second step is to smelt (blast furnace with coal) or leach (reacting with an acid then using electrolysis) the product which also removes a large amount of impurity elements like iron and for sulphide ores, sulfur. The final step, refining, removes the last traces of the impurity elements and produces a copper product of 99.99 percent purity.

If you have a 55 going into and exam worth 20 percent and you get 50 percent what will your final mark be?

80 percent (4 parts out of 5) of your final grade consists of the 55. 20 percent (1 part out of 5) of your final grade consists of the 50. The final grade is (1/5 of) (55 + 55 + 55 + 55 + 50) = (1/5 of) (270) = 54 percent

What is the final step in producing copper?

Concentrate must be purified and refined before it yields copper that is ready for manufacturing applications.

If you have an overall mark of 67 percent your final exam is worth 40 percent What mark do you have to get on your final exam to come out of the class with a 70 percent as your mark?

You need at least a 75% on your exam.

What is the type of percent that compares the final and original amounts?

The type of percent which compares to the final and original amounts is known as the percentage of change. This will focus on any variance between the original and final amounts.Ê

What is the final price if something costs 124.99 and it has 35 percent off?

The final price will be $81.24

What is the final decision of an arbitrator called?

The final decision of an arbitrator is called a ruling. The final decision of an arbitrator is called an award.

What percent compares the final and original amounts?

(final amount/original amount)*100 This is NOT the percentage change.

What type of percent is when the final amount is greater than the original amount?

A percent which is greater than 100.