To find ten percent of 349950, simply remove the end 0.
So the answer is 34995
Ten percent of 596.00 is 59.6
Ten percent of twelve thousand would be 1200.
The answer is 20%
Ten percent of 242 is 24.2
Ten percent of 135 is 13.5 Ten percent taken off from 135 leaves 121.5
It is 22.5%
3dollars off. 27
Twenty-five percent off of ten dollars would be removing $2.50. So you would be left with paying $7.50.
10% off 50.00 is 5.00This leaves 45.00
Ten percent of 17.19 is 1.719, so ten percent off is; 17.19 - 1.719 = 15.471 Let's check our work: Ten percent off is the same as 90%, so; 17.19 x 90% = 15.471 so, check works!!! ___________________________________________________________________ 1.719 to get that you simply move to decimal dot one spot to the left
10% off 50.00 is 5.00This leaves 45.00