Christian Arcillas is th Father of MODERN ALGEBRA
An index in Algebra is the integer n in a radical defining the n-th root
page 129
Honey, I'm all for helping with algebra, but even I can't crack the code on that second part. As for page 7.11 in the Algebra book A, the answer will depend on the specific problem or exercise listed on that page. So, grab your book and let's get down to business!
When on th egoogle page. Click the house in the corner and ut makes it your j=home page.
Mudder Nature
well in my middle school you first start off with normal math and if you do well in math then you go to Algebra in 7th grade. If you don't do that well in math you go to pre-algebra. Then if you went to pre-algebra you go to Algebra in 8th grade. If you went to Algebra in 7th grade you do Geometry in 8th.
Go back and forth from page to page, doing one problem on one page and then going to the other page to do one, then back to the first page, then back to th second page, and so forth. When you are finished, both pages will be done!
Algebraically it is written as 'y + 8' In algebra Addition is a + b Subtraction is a - b Multiplication is ab ( Note NO 'X' symbol) Division is a/b ( like a fraction).
Answer th Which rhetorical element is used in this example? is question…
If you are sitting on a chair with the book open on the desk in front of you, very few muscles are required to turn the page. First the arm is extended slightly to push the forearm and hand along the edge of the book. Th is can be accomplished with the anterior portion of the deltoid muscle. The hand is then slightly supinated by means of the supinator muscle. Th e thumb and index finger are then fl exed to grasp the page to be turned. Th is movement involves the fl exor pollicis brevis and fl exor digitorum superfi cialis to the index fi nger (the flexor digitorum profundus may also be involved). Th e page is then turned by extending the fingers (extensor digitorum), pronating the hand (pronator quadratus and pronator teres), and medially rotating the arm (pectoralis major, teres major, latissimus dorsi).
If you are sitting on a chair with the book open on the desk in front of you, very few muscles are required to turn the page. First the arm is extended slightly to push the forearm and hand along the edge of the book. Th is can be accomplished with the anterior portion of the deltoid muscle. The hand is then slightly supinated by means of the supinator muscle. Th e thumb and index finger are then fl exed to grasp the page to be turned. Th is movement involves the fl exor pollicis brevis and fl exor digitorum superfi cialis to the index fi nger (the flexor digitorum profundus may also be involved). Th e page is then turned by extending the fingers (extensor digitorum), pronating the hand (pronator quadratus and pronator teres), and medially rotating the arm (pectoralis major, teres major, latissimus dorsi).