The highest common factor (HCF) of 36 and 50 is 2, as it is the greatest number that divides both 36 and 50 without leaving a remainder. The least common multiple (LCM) of 36 and 50 is 900, as it is the smallest multiple that is divisible by both 36 and 50. To find the HCF and LCM, you can use prime factorization or the method of finding common factors and multiples.
The GCF is 4.
The GCF is 9.
The GCF is 18.
The GCF is 12.
The GCF is 4.
The hcf of 12 & 36 is 12
It is 36
The GCF is 12.
The hcf is 12
The HCF is: 2