To find the lcd of any set of numbers, you must find the lowest number which all of the numbers in the set can divide evenly into. For example, to find the lcd of 7,8, and 9, you must first see if there are any numbers that can divide by 2 of the three numbers in the set. An example of such a number is 56.
56/7 = 8
56/8 = 7
Once you have a number like this, the final step is to multiply that number by the other number in the set that does not divide into it (in this case, 9)
56x9 = 504
So, the lcd of 7, 8, and 9 is 504.
LCD(7, 9, 2) = 126.
The LCD or LCM is 504
LCD(7,9,13) = 7*9*13 which is 819
LCD(15, 7, 8) = 840.
The LCD or LCM is 360
If you mean lcm, it is 36 because 9 x 4 equals 36 and 3 x 12 equals 36.
The LCD is 56. The two have no common factors, so the LCD is their product, 7 x 8 =56
LCD is 24
56 is the lcd of 8 and 7. You can get this by multiplying 8x7. 8 and 7 have no common factors; that is why you multiply the two numbers to get the lcd.