LCM, as a concept makes sense for whole numbers, not decimal fractions.
The least common multiple of the numbers 450, 180, 100 and 150 is 900.
The LCM of 25, 50, and 75 is 150. The multiples of 25 are 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and so on. The multiples of 50 are 50, 100, 150, and so on. The multiples of 75 are 75, 150, and so on. So the LCM is 150.
The LCM of 30 and 65 is 390
The LCM is 150.
The LCM of 30 and 65 is 390
The LCM of 65 and 100 is 1300.
The LCM is 300.
LCM(65, 150) = 1950
It is: 300
It is: (150-65)/150 times 100 = 56.67% decrease rounded to two decimal places
The least common multiple of the numbers 450, 180, 100 and 150 is 900.
The least common multiple (LCM) of 13 and 65 is the smallest multiple that both numbers share. To find the LCM, you can use the formula LCM(a, b) = (|a * b|) / GCD(a, b), where GCD is the greatest common divisor. In this case, the GCD of 13 and 65 is 13, so the LCM is (|13 * 65|) / 13 = 65.
The LCM is: 65
The LCM of 25, 50, and 75 is 150. The multiples of 25 are 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and so on. The multiples of 50 are 50, 100, 150, and so on. The multiples of 75 are 75, 150, and so on. So the LCM is 150.
The LCM is 11960.
LCM of 10 and 65 = 130
The LCM of 30 and 65 is 390