It is: 135
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 15 27 is 135.The least comon multiple of 15 and 27 is 135.
GCD: 27 LCM: 270
The LCM is 675.
lcm(27, 9, 5) = 135
The LCM is: 135
The LCM of 9, 27, and 72 is 216
The LCM is: 135
It is: 135
It is 135
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 9 27 45 is 135.
The LCM is 135.
For any two natural numbers a & b: Their LCM is b if b is the multiple of a. Here, 135 is the multiple of 27(27 x 5 = 135). Therefore, LCM of 27 & 135 = 135.
The LCM is 405.