Some equivalent fractions of 3/5 are: 3/5 = 6/10 = 9/15 = 12/20 = 15/25.
Expressed as a decimal, 15/10000 = 0.0015
E entire numbers are set of actual numbers that includes zero and all nice counting numbers. Whereas, excludes fractions, bad integers, fractions, and decimals. It is sincerely said that fractions are not covered in the set of complete numbers. Likewise, decimals also are not protected because decimals are simply some other shape of writing fractions. Fractions are not covered in whole numbers however whole numbers may be written as fractions with the aid of representing it as a fragment with denominator as 1. Yes a fragment can be an entire wide variety whilst it is able to be represented within the shape of p/q with the cost of q = 1. If the price of q is anything as opposed to 1 after fixing the fraction to its simplest shape, it'll not be considered as an entire variety. Note: All the entire numbers may be written as fractions but vice versa, i.E., all of the fractions are not whole numbers. For instance: 5/9 is a fraction but now not an entire wide variety, but 15/5 is an entire variety because it will end result to 3/1 whilst solved.
fractions equivalent to 5/6, 10/12, 15/18, 20/24, 25/30,...
Three fractions equivalent to 3/5 are 6/10, 12/20 and 15/25
Yes because -15 is a whole number without fractions or decimals.
It can be written as a fraction, like 15 over 1.
!5 in decimals is really just 15.000000000... no matter how many more zeros there are it will still be 15 (as a 'decimal')
Fourteen and twelve thousandths in decimals is 14.012
No. Either convert to equivalent fractions with the same denominator and compare numerators: 2/3 = (2x5)/(3x5) = 10/15 4/5 = (4x3)/(5x3) = 12/15 10 ≠ 12 → the fractions are not the same Or, convert them to decimals by dividing the numerators by the denominators: 2/3 = 2 ÷ 3 ≈ 0.667 4/5 = 4 ÷ 5 = 0.8 0.667 ≠ 0.8 → the fractions are not the same
Yes. But I need this answer too. I just dont know which fractions they are.
2 equivalent fractions of 13/15 = 26/30, 39/45
2 equivalent fractions for 15 and 23 = 30/46, 45/69
two equivalent fractions for 15/20 = 3/4, 30/40
The GCF is 15.