a bananan has 80 calories. This is 5 calories less than one seventh of the calories in a banana split. how many calories are in a banana split?
Do it yourself
the answer is: Lonelee
Q: What is the answer to page 3.19 in Punchline Algebra book A what do biologist do when they visit France?
i am in offspring
Come Out With Your Pants Up is the answer to page 7.18 punchline algebra book A.
Do it yourself
the punchline is under water
The answer to page 69 in Punchline Bridge to Algebra worksheet is to the tossed and found.
The answer to Punchline Algebra 4.3 in Book A (How Can You Find Fish in the Encyclopedia?) is "You can look." ... pretty obvious but that's it!
the answer is: Lonelee
dothegardening <-- no spaces
With His Hands
No cluesive