Well, honey, if you want to round 983 to the nearest ten, you'll get 980. But if you're feeling fancy and want to round it to the nearest hundred, you'll end up with 1000. Just remember, math may not always be your friend, but it's always right.
two answers as 29.85 is in the middle 29.8 rounding down 29.9 rounding up
two answers last 5 is in the middle 4,750 rounding down 4,760 rounding up both are correct
Yes, 983 is a prime number.
two answers, as 0.05 is in the middle 0.7 rounding down 0.8 rounding up
two answers as 29.85 is in the middle 29.8 rounding down 29.9 rounding up
1 and 983. 983 is prime.
two answers last 5 is in the middle 4,750 rounding down 4,760 rounding up both are correct
983 ÷ 2 = 491.5
Multiply 983 by 100 to convert to percent: 983 × 100 = 98,300%
.983 meters
% rate= 983 * 100%= 98300%