The answer depends on the context. It could refer to the nth term in a sequence of numbers: T1, T2, ...
Tuple is a term used in mathematics and computing science to show and ordered list of elements. Tuples are often used as product types in programming languages, and to describe other mathematical subjects in maths.
A short term goal can be passing a test. A long term can be getting to the next grade.
Lowest term of 12.075
The top term of a fraction is the numerator.
You need to work out the problems so you can pass the test.
There are several websites that will help you cheat on homework and study assignments. This site is not one of them.
I am sorry but you need to figure things out instead of looking them up on the internet
Since I don't have sheet 4 in front of me, this will be hard to answer correctly. Perhaps you could tell me one of the problems.
For copyright reasons WikiAnswers can not give out complete answer sheets.
Enter a number in each circle so that the number on each line equals the sum of the numbers at each end
roman civilization began in 509 B.C. and anded 985 years leter. what year was that?
Since I don't have sheet 5 in front of me, this will be hard to answer correctly. Perhaps you could tell me one of the problems.
The answer is 2 2 4 8 0 3 5 6 8 9
I'm sorry, I don't have that one in front of me.