0.045 is approximate to:0 to the nearest whole number/unit0.0 to the nearest tenth0.05 to the nearest hundredth
79.9 is approximate to:100 to the nearest hundred80 to the nearest ten80 to the nearest whole number/unit
43.85 is approximate to0 to the nearest hundred40 to the nearest ten44 to the nearest whole number/unit43.9 to the nearest tenth
87.25 is approximate to100 to the nearest hundred90 to the nearest ten87 to the nearest whole number/unit87.3 to the nearest tenth
21.97 is approximate to0 to the nearest hundred20 to the nearest ten22 to the nearest whole number/unit22.0 to the nearest tenth
They are -9 and 9.
Approximately 4.
The square root of 55 to the nearest whole number is 7.
10.5 is approximate to:0 to the nearest hundred10 to the nearest ten11 to the nearest whole number
No, the nearest square of a whole number is 100.
1.61 is approximate to:2 to the nearest whole number/unit1.6 to the nearest tenth
4.1 is approximate to:0 to the nearest ten4 to the nearest whole number/unit
9.7 is approximate is10 to the nearest ten10 to the nearest whole number/unit
0.045 is approximate to:0 to the nearest whole number/unit0.0 to the nearest tenth0.05 to the nearest hundredth
0.97 is approximate to0 to the nearest ten1 to the nearest whole number/unit1.0 to the nearest tenth
Ah, rounding numbers can be as peaceful as painting a happy little tree. To round 7.21, look at the digit in the hundredths place, which is the second decimal place. Since it is less than 5, you can simply keep the 7 in the tenths place and round down the hundredths place to get 7.2. Just like that, you've created a rounded number that's as lovely as a gentle stream in the forest.