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It is -1 as it the opposite of the baryon number of a proton.

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Q: What is the baryon number of an antiproton?
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What is a baryon number?

A baryon number is a quantum number related to the difference between the numbers of quarks and antiquarks in a system of subatomic particles.

Is a proton annihilated when it interacts with an antiproton?

Yes, when a proton interacts with an antiproton, they can annihilate each other in a process that converts their mass into pure energy in the form of gamma rays or other particles. This annihilation results in the creation of new particles that conserve momentum and charge.

Can one neutron can split into an alpha particle and a beta particle?

No, this is not possible. There are multiple reasons one could give for this. For example electric charge is not conserved; the neutron has no charge, the beta particle has a charge of -1 (times the positive elementary charge) and the alpha particle has a charge of +2. Therefore you go from 0 charge to (-1 + 2 = 1) +1 charge. You could fix this by making two beta particles (but it would still not work for the reasons below). Every such reaction must conserve baryon number. A baryon is an object consisting of three quarks. The neutron is a baryon and therefore has baryon number +1. The alpha particle consists of two neutrons and two protons (the proton is also a baryon) so it has baryon number +4. The beta particle has baryon number 0. So the reaction n -> alpha + beta would increase the total baryon number by (+4 - 1 = 3) 3 which is not allowed. To fix this one would need, for example, to add three baryons to the initial state. The lepton number is also not conserved by this reaction. Protons and neutrons both have lepton number 0, but the beta particle has lepton number +1. Therefore this reaction would go from lepton number 0 to +1, which is also not allowed. This could be easily fixed by adding an antielectron-neutrino to the final state. A possible reaction that would fix everything would be something like: 4n -> alpha + 2 beta + 2 antielectron-neutrinos

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What is a baryon?

A baryon is a variety of heavy subatomic particle created by the binding of quarks by gluons.

The particle that most resembles the proton?


What is a xi baryon?

A xi baryon is a subatomic hadron particle comprising three quarks, one up or down quark, and two heavier quarks.

What is a baryon acoustic oscillation?

Baryon acoustic oscillations are sound waves that traveled through the early universe, leaving behind a pattern of baryon (normal matter) density fluctuations. These fluctuations are observed in the distribution of galaxies and provide a standard ruler for measuring the expansion rate of the universe. Baryon acoustic oscillations are a key tool for studying the large-scale structure of the cosmos and probing the nature of dark energy.

Is antiproton made of quarks?

Yes. Specifically, it is made of antiquarks.

What is the quark structure of a baryon?

A baryon is made up of three quarks. There are two types of baryons: protons, which consist of two up quarks and one down quark, and neutrons, which consist of one up quark and two down quarks. Quarks are elementary particles that are held together by the strong nuclear force to form protons and neutrons within the atomic nucleus.

What are the antimatter equivalents of an electron a neutron and a proton?

Positron, antineutron, antiproton

What is an antideuteron?

An antideuteron is the antiparticle of the nucleus of deuterium, consisting of an antiproton and an antineutron.