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The Binary for ten in 8-bit binary is: 00001010

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Q: What is the binary number of 10?
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What is 10 in binary?

The number ten (10 in decimal format) is 1010 in binary form. The binary number 10 is 2 in decimal form.

In binary number counting what does ten stand for?

The binary number 10 represents 2. The decimal number 10 in binary would be 1010.

The base 10 number 21 is equal to the binary number?

The number 21 in binary is 10101

Binary number of 10 equals?

Decimal 10 (Ten) equals the Binary number 1010 (One Zero One Zero) Binary 10 (One Zero) equals the Decimal number 2 (Two)

In binary number counting what does 10 stand for?

10 is a 2 bit binary number, when converted to decimal numbers it is 2.

What is the binary number 1000 in base 10?

The binary number 1000 is the decimal (base 10) number 8. The digits in a binary number are exponents of 2 rather than 10, so that for a four-digit number in binary, the digit places represent 8, 4, 2, 1 1000 (binary) = 8 + (0x4) + (0x2) + (0x1) = 8

The base 10 number 21 is equivalent to what binary numbers?

The number 21 in binary is 10101

What does one and zero mean in binary form?

The binary number 10 represents the number 2

What is The largest number that a set of 10 binary light switches describe?

1,024 is the highest number 10 digits in binary can describe

What is the binary number for decimal 10?

10 = 1010

The binary number 10 represents what in the decimal number system?

Binary ( 1 0 ) = decimal ( 2 )

Why binary number need more space?

For the simple reason that the 'places' in a binary number represent multiples of 2, rather than 10. Therefore, a binary '10' = a decimal '2.'