The common multiple refers to a multiple that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question! The "common" multiple of a number is itself.
The greatest common denominator of any set of denominators is infinite.
The LCD of 18 and 30 is 90
30 is the largest common denominator of 60 and 330.
The least common denominator of 5 and 6 is 30.
When you add fractions that have unlike denominators, the first step is to convert them so they are expressed as fractions using the least common denominator. The result is that the answer will have a different denominator, or it may use one of the original two denominators.For example if you are adding 1/10 and 3/5, the least common denominator is 10, the problem is rewritten as 1/10 + 6/10 = 7/10But if you are adding 1/5 and 1/6, the least common denominator is 30 and the problem is rewritten as 6/30 + 5/30 = 11/30
The common denominator is 30. There are others, but 30 is the LCD.
The lowest common denominator of 30 and 42 is 210.
A common denominator of 20 and 30 is 600. This is NOT the least common denominator, though.
The lowest common denominator is 30
The common denominator of 5 and 6 will be 30.
The least common denominator is 30. 9/10 = 27/30
A common denominator, though not the least, is 30.
30 is.
30 is.
30 is.