1111111111b = 1023d
When converting a binary number in which every digit is a one, there is an easy trick to doing it: take the number of digits, in this case 10, raise the base to that power 210 = 1024 , then subtract one. 210 - 1 = 1023.
If the reason for this isn't clear, it may be easier to think of it in decimal. Remember that 1 is the highest valued digit in binary. Similarly, 9 is the highest digit in decimal. So in decimal, the number 99999 can also be looked at as 105 - 1 = 100000 - 1 = 99999
Assuming you interpret the bits as an unsigned number, that would be 1111111111 in binary, or 1023 (210 - 1) in decimal.
The binary number 1111 = 15
The decimal number 101 is represented by the binary number 1100101.
The binary equivalent of the decimal number 245 is 11110101.
decimal [ 123 ] = binary [ | | | | 0 | | ]
The decimal equivalent of the binary number 1111111111111111 is 65535.
Assuming you interpret the bits as an unsigned number, that would be 1111111111 in binary, or 1023 (210 - 1) in decimal.
That is 31 in decimal
The binary number 1111 = 15
15 = 1111
To convert the binary number 111 to decimal, you can use the positional notation method. The binary number 111 represents the sum of 2^2 + 2^1 + 2^0, which equals 4 + 2 + 1. Therefore, the decimal conversion of the binary number 111 is 7.
When written as a binary number, the decimal number 63 is: 1 1 1 1 1 1