There are no decimal words! The number is eight hundredths.
write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
0.23 in decimal = 0.23 0.23 in words = twenty-three hundredths
The positive integer factors of 157 are 1 and 157.
157 x 1
157 percent in decimal form is 1.57
15.7 percent as a decimal is .157.
divide 157 by 240. You will end up with a decimal. move the decimal point two places to the right and you've got your percentage. 157/240 =0.65416667 move the decimal and your percentage is 65.416667% or, if you round it, 65%
It is 157.
It is: 27/157 times 100 = 17.197% to three decimal places
10011101: Decimal = 157 Hexadecimal = 9D
There are 2.54 centimetres in one inch. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 157 centimetres is equal to 157/2.54 = 61.81 inches.
there are 157 words in "manufacturing"
62.8%= 0.628 in decimal= 628/1000 or 157/250 in fraction