To convert 165 percent to decimal form, you divide the percentage by 100. So, 165 percent is equal to 1.65 in decimal form.
0.24 percent in decimal form is 0.0024
100% = 1 in decimal form
To change a percent to decimal form, move the decimal two places to the left. When no decimal is shown it is assumed to be at the end of the number so:48 percent is 48. percent. Moving the decimal two places to the left gives .48The decimal form of 48 percent is .48. Also written 0.48
2.70 percent as a fraction in simplest form is 27/1000.2.70 percent as a decimal is 0.027
To convert 325% to decimal divide by 100: 325% ÷ 100 = 3.25
As a decimal it is 325, exactly as in the question. It is an integer, not a fraction. It is 32500%.
325 as a percent is 32.5%
325% = 13/4 or 3.25
I think its 3.25 not sure
325/100= 325/25= 13 100/25= 4 so 325 in its simplest form is 13/4
2 Percent in decimal form is 0.02
67 percent in decimal form is 0.67
To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply by 100: 32.5 x 100 = 325%
To convert 165 percent to decimal form, you divide the percentage by 100. So, 165 percent is equal to 1.65 in decimal form.