There are no decimal words! The number is eight hundredths.
Four and seven tenths
0.0089 is already a decimal number and it is written as eighty nine ten thousandths in words.
12.9 IS a decimal number. It is twelve and nine tenths.
twelve and twenty-five hundredths
Here's an easy trick to remember decimals:If a number is over 10 then the decimal will be .0 (5/10 = .5)If a number is over 100 then the decimal will be .00 (5/100 = .05)If a number is over 1000 then the decimal will be .000 and so on (5/1000 = .005)Based on that 37/1000 would be .037
As 037 it is an ordinary number , with a trivial prefix zero. It reads 037 = 37. You need to indicate the position of the decimak point.
There are no decimal words! The number is eight hundredths.
Not sure what decimal words are! The number is three and six hundred and twenty thousandths.
Not sure about decimal words. But in normal words, the number is eight and thirty-four thousandths.
Four and seven tenths
0.0089 is already a decimal number and it is written as eighty nine ten thousandths in words.
12.9 IS a decimal number. It is twelve and nine tenths.
To write 2.061 in decimal words, you would say "two and sixty-one thousandths." This breaks down the number into its whole number part (2), the decimal point, and the fractional part expressed in words (061 as sixty-one thousandths). This helps to clearly communicate the value of the number in words.
As given in the question '0.3' is the decimal. However, in words it is 'zero point three'.