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Q: What is the decimal part of the number 74.63?
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Related questions

What is the number to the left of a decimal point called?

The number to the left of a decimal point is the integer part or the whole-number part. The part of a decimal to the right of the decimal point is the fractional part. The decimal point is called the decimal separator.

Can a decimal number be a whole number?

No. A whole number is a number with no fractional (decimal) part. Therefore a decimal number can not be a whole number. Another view: 35.0 is a whole number AND a decimal. The fact that a number is a decimal does not automatically require it to have a fractional part. Even 35 is a decimal number (without a decimal point).

What is the ehole number portion of the decimal for 418.0972?

The whole number part is 418 and the decimal part is .0972

What has a whole number part and a decimal part?

a mixed number

What is dwdshoes phone number?

1(855)DWD-SHOEs 1-855-393-7463

How do you turn a decimal number to a mixed number?

Keep the whole-number-part exactly as it is, and re-write the decimal part as a fraction.

What separates whole number and fractional part of decimal number?

Decimal point

What is the phone number of the Bancroft Public Library in Salem?

The phone number of the Bancroft Public Library is: 518-854-7463.

How can a decimal greater than 1 be a repeating decimal?

A decimal number is like a mixed fraction: it has an integer part and a fractional part. If the fractional part is a repeating fraction then the whole number is represented by a repeating decimal.

How do you turn a mixed number into a decmial?

The integer part of the mixed number is the integer part of the decimal. The use long division to convert the fractional part of the mixed number to the fractional part of the decimal.

Is 3.14 an integer number?

No. An integer has no decimal part whereas "3.14" has ".14" as a decimal part.

How do you turn a mixed number into a decimal integers?

You cannot. A mixed number, by definition, has a fractional part. In converting to a decimal number, you cannot get rid of that fractional part and so you can never convert it to a decimal integer.