It is 0.56
As a percent, .02 is 2 percent. To convert from decimal to percent, you move the decimal point two places to the right. When converting from percent to decimal, you move the decimal point two places to the left.
point five percent = .005
To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:75.5% = 0.755
56% to a decimal is .56
56% = 0.56
56 percent written as a decimal is 0.56
Move the decimal point twice to the left, for example 56% becomes 0.56 or 92% becomes 0.92 etc
56 percent = 56/100 = 0.56
996 is what percent of 56:= 996 / 56= 17.785714Converting decimal to a percentage:17.785714 * 100 = 1,778.57%
It is 0.56
When converting a percent to a decimal you don't necessarily move the decimal point. It has nothing to do with it.
56 per cent is equal to 56/100, which, when expressed as a decimal, is equal to 0.56.
Point two five percent as a decimal is.25.
A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.