A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 110011, exactly as in the question.
the place value after a decimal point is tenths
decimal value for 0.0658 = ten thousandths
The value of 2.4 in a decimal fraction is: 22/5
The decimal value is 0.080
It is simply 775.0 as a decimal
51 in binary is... 110011
Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, No 10, Rajaji marg,New Delhi -110011.
the place value after a decimal point is tenths
decimal value for 0.0658 = ten thousandths
It would be the value of the decimal increased by 30%.
decimal value of 115.9 percent is 1.159.
35 IS a decimal. And the value of 35 c, as a decimal, depends on the value of c.
The decimal value of 21 is simply 21. In decimal form, whole numbers remain the same, so the decimal value of 21 is 21.
0.01 is one hundredth. 0.001 is one thousandth.
No 10, Rajaji marg,New Delhi -110011.
The Secretary, IRC, Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi 110011