Every fraction is an equivalent fraction: each fraction in decimal form has an equivalent rational fraction as well as an equivalent percentage fraction.
To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. Therefore, to convert .0625 to a percentage, you would multiply by 100 to get 6.25%.
.0625 = 1 ounce .0625 x 16 = 1 lb 1.5 lbs = 24 oz (24 x .0625 = 1.5lbs) 1.8 lbs = 28.80 oz (28.80 x .0625 = 1.8 lbs) 159.3 lbs = 2548.80 oz (2548.80 x .0625 = 159.3 lbs)
A fraction equivalent to 4.66666667 is 4 2/3.
What is the equivalent fraction of 3/9
1/16 6.25/100=.0625 1/16=.0625
It is: 0.0625 = 1/16 in its simplest form
In simplest form, 0.625 as a fraction equals 1/16
.8125" = 13/16" Math: .0625" = 1/16" .8125" / .0625" = 13 So there are thirteen 16ths in .8125"
An equivalent fraction is 2025/1.An equivalent fraction is 2025/1.An equivalent fraction is 2025/1.An equivalent fraction is 2025/1.
140/350 is an equivalent fraction.140/350 is an equivalent fraction.140/350 is an equivalent fraction.140/350 is an equivalent fraction.
0625 = 625 is larger than 01 = 1
0625 > 05 Drop the prefixed zeroes and we have 625 & 5 . Since 625 > 5 , then 0625 > 05 .
Every fraction is an equivalent fraction: each fraction in decimal form has an equivalent rational fraction as well as an equivalent percentage fraction.
To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. Therefore, to convert .0625 to a percentage, you would multiply by 100 to get 6.25%.
Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.
30 100 as a equivalent fraction is 3/10