In mathematics, an estimate is an approximation of a value based on available information. To estimate 15, you can round it to the nearest whole number, which is also 15. Another way to estimate 15 is to round it to the nearest multiple of 10, which would be 20. Both of these estimates provide a close approximation of the value of 15.
A more reasonable estimate would be 15.
If you're estimating 75/5, it's a reasonable estimate. I would've estimated 72/6 = 12
The answer depends on what you wish to do with the estimate. If you wanted to divide by 25, I would suggest 175 since 175/25 = 7. If you wanted to add 315 then I would suggest 185 since 185 + 315 = 100 + 85 + 15 + 300 = 100 + 100 + 300 = 500.
900 would be a fair estimate
You could estimate is as 0.5
estimate of 24 mulitply by 15 = 300estimate of 24 = 2020 * 15 = 300
My estimate, based 15*17 is 25500.I can do 15*17 because it is 162-1.
I estimate 15 cm.
You do not need to estimate. 5 - 15 = -10 and any estimation would require at least as much effort.
The best estimate is 15 centimeters which is about 6 inches
15% of 22 = 15% * 22 = 0.15 * 22 = 3.3
A more reasonable estimate would be 15.
The estimate of the square root of 229 = ± 15 (actual square root is ± 15.132746).