As a fraction it is simply 18/1 and as a decimal it is simply 18.0
0.0555555556 as a fraction is 5/90. To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can simply write the decimal as a fraction with the decimal number as the numerator and a power of 10 as the denominator. In this case, 0.0555555556 is equivalent to 5/90, which can be further simplified to 1/18 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5.
The fraction 17/18 is the same as 17 divided by 18. 17 ÷ 18 = 0.94444 . . .
0.0556 or 5.5556%
0.72 as a decimal in simplest form is 18/25. To convert a decimal into a fraction (1) write a 1 under the decimal in fraction form: .72/1 (2) remove the decimal and add as many 0's to the right side of the 1 as there are numbers to the right of the decimal: 72/100 (3) reduce the fraction to its lowest terms: 72/100 can be reduced to 18/25
18 as a decimal is 18.00 and as a fraction is 18/1.
As a fraction it is simply 18/1 and as a decimal it is simply 18.0
18 hundredths as a decimal is 0.18, and as a fraction is 18/100, or 9/50 reduced.
18% As a fraction = 18/100 or 9/50 As a decimal = 0.18
18% = 0.18 in decimal = 18/100 or 9/50 in fraction
6/1/ = 6/18 as a fraction - which can be simplified, if you so desire. The decimal is 0.33... (repeating).
In the form of a decimal fraction, it is 0.18
18/50(fraction) = 0.36(decimal) = 36%(percentage) the answer is 0.36
eighteen hundredths: = 0.18 in decimal= 18/100 or 9/50 in fraction
18% in decimal for would be 0.18, and in fraction form it would be 18/100 which can be reduced to 9/50.
18% as a decimal is 0.18. As a fraction, it is 18/100. In simplest form it is 9/50.