To express the decimal 0.53 with a repeating 3, we can use the formula for repeating decimals. Since the digit 3 repeats indefinitely, we can represent it as 0.5333... To convert this to a fraction, we set x = 0.5333... and subtract 0.5x from x to eliminate the repeating part. This gives us 10x - x = 5.3 - 0.53, which simplifies to 9x = 4.77. Therefore, the fraction for 0.53 with 3 repeating is 477/900.
It is 16 2/3.
0.14 repeating as a fraction = 14/99
As an improper fraction 53.333 ... repeating is 160/3
1/3 is the fraction form of 0.3 repeating.
As an improper fraction it is 17/3
It is 16 2/3.
0.14 repeating as a fraction = 14/99
If all 3 digits are repeating then as a fraction it is 215/999
As an improper fraction 53.333 ... repeating is 160/3
As a fraction it is 1/3
As a fraction it is 1/3
1/3 is the fraction form of 0.3 repeating.
As an improper fraction it is 17/3
0.6666 repeating = 2/3
2.33... (repeating) = 2 1/3.
3/10=.3 repeating