To simplify the fraction 12/24 to its lowest terms, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 12 and 24, which is 12. By dividing both the numerator and denominator by 12, we get 1/2. Therefore, the fraction 12/24 simplifies to 1/2 in its lowest terms.
24% = 6⁄25
To convert a percent into a fraction, remove the % sign and put 100 under the number to form a fraction, then reduce to its lowest term:24% = 24/100 = 12/50is it not 12/5??No, 12/5 = 240%. You can check this by dividing the top number (12) by the bottom number (5) and making a percent of the answer by moving the decimal 2 places to the right.12 ÷ 5 = 2.4 = 240.0 = 240%It would be 6/25
LCD(12, 8) = 24.
A day is 24 hours. To find what fraction of a day 12 hours is, place 12 over 24. It is 12/24 of a day or 1/2 of a day simplified.
The LCM is 24.
24% = 6⁄25
12 and 24/1000 as an improper fraction in its lowest terms is 1503/125
The lowest term of 14 over 24 is 7/12.
20 over 96 reduced to its lowest term is 5/24
1 and 2
3 over 4
24/25 or twenty four twenty fifths
No. It can be simplified to 1/2