

Best Answer

The answer depends on what the question is about. Some possible valid questions concern the fraction of solar radiation which:

  • falls on the earth (as opposed to going in other directions)
  • is blocked by the earth's magnetic field
  • is blocked by the ozone layer
  • is reflected by clouds
  • is absorbed by the atmosphere
  • is reflected by the surface
  • is absorbed by the surface
  • is useful to plants
  • is in wavelengths shorter than ultra violet (UV)
  • is in the UV range
  • is in the visible range
  • is in the infra red (IR) range
  • is in wavelengths longer than IR.
There are plenty more.

I suggest that you spend just a little bit of time considering your question before posting it.

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Q: What is the fraction of solar radiation?
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What fraction of solar radiation reflected by a surface is called?

this question needs to be stated more precisely. The solar fraction is a measurement of usage of the solar thermal energy by the solar thermal system installed.

The major portion of which form of solar radiation is absorbed as it passes through the atmosphere with only a tiny fraction of the original amount reaching the surface of the earth?

ground radiation

What is the fraction if solar radiation that is reflect off a particular surface called?

There is no special name. The fraction of sunlight which is reflected will be different from the fraction of other light. The reflectivity of a surface varies with the wavelength of the incident light.

Intercepted solar radiation is called?

Intercepted solar radiation is known as insolation. It refers to the amount of solar energy that is received by a surface or area.

Another word for Incoming Solar Radiation?

incoming solar radiation = insolation

How do animals get solar radiation by eating plants?

The plants absorbs the solar radiation and energy.

What happens to most solar radiation when it reaches the surface of Earth what happens?

Most of the solar radiation is absorbed when it reaches the surface of the earth. Some of the solar radiation is also absorbed in the atmosphere.

The albedo of the earth's surface is the fraction of solar radiation that is?

The albedo of the Earth's surface is the fraction of solar radiation that is reflected back into space. It is a measure of how reflective a surface is, with higher albedo values indicating more reflection and less absorption of sunlight by the surface. Land surfaces, ice, and clouds generally have higher albedo values, while oceans and forests have lower albedo values.

Do the oceans release solar radiation?

Yes, solar radiation warms the surface of the ocean. Warmth rises from the ocean in the form of infrared radiation.

What is the term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface?

The term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface is "insolation." Insolation is the amount of solar radiation received per unit area at the surface of the Earth.

How is incoming solar radiation is affected by the ozone in the atmosphere?

The solar radiation can be divided into many parts. The UV radiation part of it helps to form the ozone.

Which layer of the atmosphere does not absorb solar radiation?

Troposphere does not absorb solar radiation. All other layers do not absorb.