It is: 2
256 is the greatest even square number that is less than 300.
There is only one even prime number (2). There are no 8-digit even primes.
Because the next greater even number is 100. That, and any subsequent even number, consists of three or more digits.
no. try 6 and 15. their GCF = 3 (odd)
It is: 2
There is no such number. If N were the greatest even number then N+2 would be a greater even number. So N could not be the greatest even number.
The greatest 2-digit even number is 98
256 is the greatest even square number that is less than 300.
A prime number is any number that only has one and itself as factors. By definition even numbers have a factor of two. Therefore the greatest and only even number that is prime is the number 2.
It is 999999998.
198 is the greatest three-digit even number that has no factor equal to 4.
Th e greatest 4-digit even number is 9,998 .
No, always odd.